Activity Report (39)
【Vietnam 】Traffic Safety and Vietnam Kizuna Ekiden 2018 in Hanoi
- 3
- 16
- 17
The 5th JTU Triathlon and Paratriathlon Forum
World Rugby & Asia Rugby Performance Development Workshop
【Tanzania, Ghana, Cambodia, Bhutan, Laos, Kyrgyzstan】Peace Ball Action Kansai Donates Used Balls to Developing Countries
Charity Sports Festival 2017
【Cambodia】The 3rd Soccer Exchange Programme with the orphanage in Cambodia
- 10
【Kazakhstan】Workshop on Organizational Management for the Kazakhstan Paralympic Committee
交通安全・ベトナム絆駅伝2018 in ハノイ
- 3
- 16
- 17
第3回 カンボジア「くっくま孤児院」の子ども達とサッカー交流
- 10
18th Nov., 2018 Hanoi, Vietnam THE MAINICHI NEWSPAPERS
6th and 7th Feb., 2016 Tokyo, Japan Japan Triathlon Union
26th Feb. to 4th Mar., 2017 Ibaraki, Japan Japan Rugby Football Union (JRFU)
1st Apr., 2016 to 31st Mar., 2017 Tanzania, Ghana, Cambodia, Bhutan, Laos, Kyrgyzstan Osaka Seikei University
September, 2017 Student group SWITCH
22nd Nov., 2018 Phnom Penh, Cambodia ASEAN Reuse Project
Feb-2016 Tokyo/Japan Japanese Paralympics Committee
2018年11月18日 ベトナム・ハノイ 毎日新聞社
2018年11月22日 カンボジア・プノンペン 一般社団法人アセアン・リユース・プロジェクト
3rd-4th March,2018 Japan
17 countries JOICFP
17 countries JOICFP
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- 1 No poverty
- 2 Zero hunger
- 3 Good health and well-being
- 4 Quality education
- 5 Gender equality
- 6 Clean water and sanitation
- 7 Affordable and clean energy
- 8 Decent work and economic growth
- 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure
- 10 Reduced inequalities
- 11 Sustainable cities and communities
- 12 Responsible consumption & production
- 13 Climate action
- 14 Life below water
- 15 Life on land
- 16 Peace and justice strong institutions
- 17 Partnerships for the goals
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