Online Event: The 2nd Japan-Peru Lesson Study Workshop-Challenge to Physical Education Classes and Lesson Studies in Post-Corona Society-
- 実施期間
- 12nd Dec., 2020
- 実施エリア
- Peru, Japan (Online)
- スポーツ種目/プログラム種別
- Physical Education
- 実施組織
- Japan Sport Council
Peru Arequipa City North Education Department - 協同組織
- Hiroshima University
Higashi-Hiroshima City Board of Education
Hiroshima University Mihara Junior High School
Ministry of Education Peru
Peru Lima City Board of Education 7
Arequipa City Board of Education
/> National University of San Marcos
National University of La Cantuta - 支援対象者数
- 910 people
This projects aim was to shed light on Japanese expertise in the field of physical education since 2017 with the purpose of developing the skills of PE teachers in Peru. In collaboration with Hiroshima University and Hiroshima Prefecture educators. Peruvian educators have been invited every year to take part in the workshop and dispatched experts from Japan to introduce lesson studies.
At the first workshop, there were many questions about how to conduct lesson study under the circumstances due to Corona virus, so the Japanese side made a presentation in regard to the challenges of physical education lessons and lesson study in the post-corona society. Mr. Murofushi, Director General of Japan Sports Agency, delivered a video message at the opening event, and Professor Kazuhiko Saito of Hiroshima University greeted the participants and speakers. Professor Hiroken Tomioka of Mihara Junior High School part of the Hiroshima University, Professor Miki Kiyota of the Higashi-Hiroshima City Board of Education, and Professor Shotaro Iwata of Hiroshima University presented their presentations. It was an opportunity to share their thoughts about the common issues they face between the two countries, the ideal way of physical education classes and lesson research under the Corona virus restrictions with what should be implemented for the future. There were many questions asked by Peruvian participants.
■The 1st Lesson Study Workshop on September 26 and 27, 2020
-Day 1:
-Day 2:
■The 2nd Lesson Study Workshop on December 12, 2020
■The 3rd Lesson Study Workshop on February 27 and 28, 2021
-Day 1:
-Day 2:
■Embassy of Japan in Peru Facebook
See below for the Japanese version.
Feedback from Local Contacts :
Comments from Professor, National University of La Cantuta:
The 2nd workshop was very good, and the comments from Facebook Live and the personal messages I received made me feel the motivation of the Peruvian people. It was also very good to see the flow that led to Professor Iwata's theoretical presentation from the examples of practical practices by Professors Tomioka and Kiyota.
Comments from Lima City 7th Education Department Physical Education Specialist:
Through the presentation of the workshop, I felt the importance of communication with the students. I would love to share the video of today's workshop with the teachers in the field.
Comments from Other Participants:
-There were many parts that I could sympathize with knowing that the situation was similar not only in Peru but also in Japan.
-It was not only helpful but also encouraging to see examples of physical education classes and lesson research activities in Japan.