Let’s Enjoy Sports with Foreigners ! -ZUMBA, Yoga, Pilates-

18th Jul., 2018(ZUMBA
25th Oct., 2018 (Yoga)
21st Feb., 2019 (Pilates)
Hokkaido, Japan
ZUMBA, Yoga, Pilates
The Sapporo Sport Association
JICA Hokkaido
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA Hokkaido)
Japan Overseas Cooperative Association (JOCA)
4 people
The Sapporo Sport Association conducted ZUMBA, yoga, and Pilates lessons for Japanese users of the Sapporo International Sports Hall and trainees staying at JICA Hokkaido.

Language is one of the main barriers during an international exchange, yet through sport activities, it enables the participants to speak a common language that is done without exchanging words. Sport activities enable foreigners (JICA trainees) and Japanese participants to communicate easily providing a space that will trigger international exchange.

The yoga lesson was performed by two people, and it was impressive to see foreign and Japanese participants interacting with each other.
During the Pilates lesson, everyone was excessively sweating which was probably because they were trying to move muscles that they weren't usually aware of while imitating the movements of the instructor.
In the ZUMBA lesson, all the participants smiled and enjoyed moving their bodies to the music beat.

See below for the Japanese version.
Let’s Enjoy Sports with Foreigners ! -ZUMBA, Yoga, Pilates-1
Let’s Enjoy Sports with Foreigners ! -ZUMBA, Yoga, Pilates-2
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