【Nepal】Delivering Table Tennis Equipment to the Nepal Para Table Tennis Association

26th to 30th Dec., 2017
Table tennis
H.I.S. Co., Ltd.
Japan Table Tennis Association
60 people
H.I.S. Co., Ltd. delivered table tennis equipment (100 rubber sheets) to the Nepal Para Table Tennis Federation in collaboration with the Japan Table Tennis Association.
This support was provided in response to a request from the Nepal Para Table Tennis Federation, with the cooperation of those who participated in the study tour, the Japan Table Tennis Association, and those who donated rubber. In Nepal, where there are only a limited number of table tennis equipment, even rubber that is discarded in Japan can be a tool for fulfilling hopes and dreams to the Nepalese youth.

This study tour was organized to learn about the future in which diverse people can coexist from activities to support the independence of people with disabilities in Nepal. By cooperating with the donation of table tennis equipment, we were able to learn about initiatives other than tours, expanding the range of activities.
H.I.S. Co., Ltd. calls it a "journey to learn from the world" and holds a study tour with participants to learn what they can do to create a richer future and a sustainable society. H.I.S. will continue to promote international cooperation utilizing study tours.

See below for the Japanese version.

Feedback from Local Contacts :

Comments from Mr. Deepak.KC, Chairman of the Nepal Para Table Tennis Federation:
We would like to thank H.I.S., the Japan Table Tennis Association, and the SFTC Secretariat for supporting para table tennis in Nepal through the provision of equipment. We would also like to thank all the participants of the study tour who brought table tennis equipment from Japan. Please continue to support us in order to fulfill our dream of participating in the 2020 Tokyo Paralympics.

【Nepal】Delivering Table Tennis Equipment to the Nepal Para Table Tennis Association1
【Nepal】Delivering Table Tennis Equipment to the Nepal Para Table Tennis Association2
【Nepal】Delivering Table Tennis Equipment to the Nepal Para Table Tennis Association3
【Nepal】Delivering Table Tennis Equipment to the Nepal Para Table Tennis Association4