【Vietnam】Japanese EKIDEN 2017 in Vietnam

Time Period
17 Dec. 2017
Sport/Programme Category
Running event (Ekiden tournament)
Japan Commerce and Industry Association in Vietnam
Number of Individual Beneficiaries
200 people

Project purpose were; to provide an opportunity for people of member corporates of Japan Commerce and Industry Association in Vietnam and Japanese people living in Vietnam to bond with each other, to share “the spirit of Ekiden” to Vietnamese people and to contribute to the friendship and goodwill between the two countries, Vietnam and Japan. In this project, we held “Japanese EKIDEN 2017 in Vietnam” and 50 teams in total 200 people participated in the relay race some of them from Japanese institutions/groups/clubs and some from member companies of Japan Commerce and Industry Association in Vietnam.

There were two parts to this Ekiden race, “Regular Session” and “Male-Female Mixed Team Session” We also granted ekiden-section awards for each section, one male plus one female respectively.
Out of 200 participants, 50 were Vietnamese and 50 were females.

Feedback from Local Contacts :

・I participated the event as a volunteer. It turned out to be a fantastic memorable day.
・I participated with my colleagues. It became a big event for our whole company and we had many colleagues coming to cheer for us. It was a great event.
・I could really feel the connection with people by taking a part of this event. Sports really is a great thing, I was reminded of. I would like to participate again next year with the same team members.

【Vietnam】Japanese EKIDEN 2017 in Vietnam1
【Vietnam】Japanese EKIDEN 2017 in Vietnam2
【Vietnam】Japanese EKIDEN 2017 in Vietnam3

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