• 3. すべての人に健康と福祉を
  • 17. パートナーシップで目標を達成しよう

【Peru】Japan Sport Agency Commissioned Project: Globalisation of Radio-Taiso in Peru – Part 1

Time Period
25th to 27th Jun., 2019
Lima, Peru
Sport/Programme Category
Japan Sport Council
Recipient Organisation
Ministry of Education, PE specialist from the Education Department, Region 07, Lima、 National University of San Marcos ,、Juana Alarco de Dammert (National girls school ) , Association Peru Japanese Radio-taiso
Japan Radio-taiso Federation
Number of Individual Beneficiaries
1,045 people

Under collaboration with the Japan Radio-Taiso Federation, the Japan Sport Council (JSC) is committed to spreading Radio-Taiso, which are traditional exercises practiced in Japan. This year, as part of the events commemorating the year of exchange between Peru and Japan (marking the 120th anniversary of the first Japanese immigrants to Peru), we introduced Radio-Taiso in Peru.

As part of their policy to start focusing on health maintenance from younger generations, the Peruvian Ministry of Education requires institutes of compulsory education (six years of primary school and five years of middle school) to hold a 10-minute morning activity before classes. Requested by the educational institutes and schools in Peru, we offered training and guidance on Radio-Taiso to be introduced during the 10-minute morning activity. 

Feedback from Local Contacts :

- Nobody seems to care much about the importance of physical exercise in Peru. We learnt from the training session that there is more to Radio-Taiso than just imitating; each movement has a meaning. PE teachers were able to deepen their understanding through learning how to use their body for each movement. (PE specialist from the Education Department, Region 07, Lima)
- Radio-Taiso are effective for teaching discipline to children who are still unable to communicate verbally. (Participant from the National University of San Marcos)
- Since we have physically challenged teachers, the Radio-Taiso training session, which included the sitting-style variation, was truly inspiring. (Juana Alarco de Mammert, teacher from a national girls’ nursery, and school staff from a combined national girls’ nursery, primary and secondary schools)
- At first, I thought it was difficult to involve over 2,500 students and the faculty members in a 10-minute morning activity. However, now I know that Radio-Taiso are an effective way for students to perform a moderate exercise routine before class as they can be conducted even in the classrooms. I am very grateful to all of you for offering us this training session. I want to introduce the routine as warm-up exercises before PE class. Please come back to Peru to watch all the children perform the Radio-Taiso. (Juan Alarco de Dammert, principal of a combined national girls’ nursery, primary and secondary schools)

【Peru】Japan Sport Agency Commissioned Project: Globalisation of Radio-Taiso in Peru – Part 11
【Peru】Japan Sport Agency Commissioned Project: Globalisation of Radio-Taiso in Peru – Part 12
【Peru】Japan Sport Agency Commissioned Project: Globalisation of Radio-Taiso in Peru – Part 13
【Peru】Japan Sport Agency Commissioned Project: Globalisation of Radio-Taiso in Peru – Part 14
【Peru】Japan Sport Agency Commissioned Project: Globalisation of Radio-Taiso in Peru – Part 15
【Peru】Japan Sport Agency Commissioned Project: Globalisation of Radio-Taiso in Peru – Part 16
【Peru】Japan Sport Agency Commissioned Project: Globalisation of Radio-Taiso in Peru – Part 17
【Peru】Japan Sport Agency Commissioned Project: Globalisation of Radio-Taiso in Peru – Part 18
【Peru】Japan Sport Agency Commissioned Project: Globalisation of Radio-Taiso in Peru – Part 19
【Peru】Japan Sport Agency Commissioned Project: Globalisation of Radio-Taiso in Peru – Part 110