International Exchange Match between Romanian Traditional Sports “Oina” and New Sports “Sports tag” based on Japanese Traditional Culture
- Time Period
- 2nd Oct., 2016
- Region
- Kanagawa, Japan
- Implementer
- International Onigokko AssociationYokohama Konstanz Friendship Committee
- Recipient Organisation
- Romanian Oina Federation
- Co-Implementer
- Koyamadai Primary SchoolRomanian Chamber of Commerce in JapanRomanian Embassy
- Number of Individual Beneficiaries
- 12 people
(40 people including Japanese participants)
Twelve people from Romania participated and held a traditional sports experience event called Oina and a sports tag game experience event to deepen exchanges between different sports competitions.
From the Tag Association, the Japanese representative of sports tag, Oina league players, the association's official license instructor, and participants from the general public participated and conveyed the fun of sports tag. Oina was a sports competition with rules similar to Japanese baseball, but it had rules similar to tagging, and it was a big realization that we found similar points in different cultures.
This international friendship event was held in collaboration with the Yokohama Konstanz Friendship Committee, the cooperating organizations Sakae Ward, Yokohama City, Koyamadai Primary School, the Romanian Chamber of Commerce in Japan, and the Romanian Embassy.
See below for the Japanese version.
Feedback from Organize :
Comment from Mr. Toshihiro Tanaka, Vice Chairman of the Yokohama Konstanz Friendship Committee:
The day was blessed with good weather for outdoor sports. The venue was covered with natural grass, which was a comfortable environment for athletes. The program was planned as an international exchange of sports and was held in two games, the Romanian Oina and the Tag Association. In the first half of the Oina friendly match, the Tag Association participated in the match, starting with an explanation of Oina's rules, and then split into two offensive and defensive teams to start the match. We continued to play tag friendly games, but starting with the explanation of the rules, the match was divided into the Romanian team and the tag team. The Romanian team seemed to be confused, but as they were accustomed to sports, they became more aggressive from around the second game and were serious. I hope that tagging will develop as a familiar tool for international exchange in the future.