【Uganda】Flying Disc Promotion

Time Period
Mar. to Dec., 2016
Sport/Programme Category
Flying disc, Ultimate
Japan Flying Disc Association
Recipient Organisation
Uganda Ultimate Frisbee Association
Number of Individual Beneficiaries
30 people
With the desire to give dreams to Ugandan children, we taught Ultimate frisbee to 30 local elementary school students in grades 2-7. Ultimate is still not well known in Africa, but we are working to popularize it in the hope that the competitive population and level will grow in the future.

Children practice every day after school and play games on weekends to improve their skills.
Most discs have been damaged due to intensive practice and hard grounds. An acquaintance told me about the support of Sport for Tomorrow, and we received 30 discs from Japan. If I put out all the discs at once, it was expected that the students would use them sloppily or lose them because they thought there were many, so I put them out little by little and told them to use them carefully.

See below for the Japanese version.

【Uganda】Flying Disc Promotion1
【Uganda】Flying Disc Promotion2
【Uganda】Flying Disc Promotion3
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