【ASEAN】Seminars for judges/coaches in ASEAN
- Time Period
- 5-9 Jun. 2017
- Region
- Tokyo (Japan)
- Sport/Programme Category
- Judo
- Implementer
Japanese Olympic Committee
All Japan Judo Federation - Recipient Organisation
- Cambodia Judo Federation
Indonesia Judo Federation
Laos Judo Federation
Malaysia Judo Federation
Myanmar Judo Federation
Phillipine Judo Federation
Shingapore Judo Federation
Thailand Judo Federation
Vietnam Judo Federation - Number of Individual Beneficiaries
- 1,369(72 in Cambodia, 63 in Indonesia, 18 in Laos, 132 in Malaysia, 87 in Myanmar, 213 in Phillipine, 257 in Singapore, 184 in Thailand and 343 in Vietnam)
Invited judges and coaches (one each from respective nine countries participating SEA Game held in Malaysia in Aug. 2016) aslong with SEA Judo Federation board members and conducted seminars on the International Judo Federation Judeging Regulations revised January this year.
・5 Jun. Seminar attendees arriving Japan・6 Jun. Seminars (DVD seminars), Party
・7 Jun. Seminars (practice), NTC facility visit
・8 Jun. Tokyo district visit (KODOKAN, Nippon Budokan etc.)
・9 Jun. Seminar attendees departure
Feedback from Participant :
I am very grateful that people organized a seminar like this in Japan prior to SEA Games.
It was a great opportunities to revisit many aspects of judging regulations before the real matches and I could deepen my understanding on the parts revised this year.
I would like to share what I leared in this seminar not just during the SEA Games but also in seminars