International Exchange Programme through Takkyu Volleyball in Kuji City

Time Period
21st and 22nd Jul., 2018
Kuji City, Iwate, Japan
Sport/Programme Category
Takkyu Volleyball
co-innovation laboratory
Iwate Prefecture Sports Association for the Disabled
Kuji Regional Takkyu Volleyball Association
Iwate Prefecture Takkyu Volleyball Association
Kuji City, Kuji City Board of Education
Kuji City Sports Promotion Committee
Kuji City Athletic Association
Kuji City Social Welfare Council
Kuji City Physically Handicapped Persons Council
Tenjinkai Disabled Persons Support Facility Hibari Sanatorium
Japan Takkyu Volleyball Federation Promotion Committee
Number of Individual Beneficiaries
9 people
This first event was held as an international exchange tournament in which the trainees of JICA's training "Promotion of Social Participation of Persons with Disabilities through Sports" participated. Before the tournament, an exchange meeting with the users of a local sanatorium for pre-training. With the participation of nine JICA trainees from nine countries, this tournament became the first international exchange tournament in Eastern Japan as a takkyu volleyball competition.

More than 200 people participated in the tournament including the guest Mayor of Kuji City and staff. Trainees interacted with Japanese participants at a takkyu volleyball tournament where they could engage with or without people with disabilities. It was a good opportunity for trainees to learn about sports for the disabled and learn about the spread of sports for the disabled in the community.

See below for the Japanese version.

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