【Philippines】The 4th UNDOKAI at Cebu Island

Time Period
21st to 28th Mar., 2017
Cebu Island, Philippines
Sport/Programme Category
Sport for Kids Japan
Recipient Organisation
NPO Seven Spirit
NPO Seven Spirit
Number of Individual Beneficiaries
80 people
We held UNDOKAI with children who live in slums where it is difficult to access education. Japanese university students aiming to become physical education teachers and sports instructors prepared and conducted the program. During the four days of practice and production, children aged 5 to 15 and their parents shared the fun, joy, and openness through sports activities.

This project aims to support sports in developing countries and aims to develop life skills through sports activities. I hope that holding the UNDOKAI will help children enjoy the fun of exercise and sports, and understand the importance of communicating and cooperating with people around them, and to improve their thinking and judgment.

See below for the Japanese version.

【Philippines】The 4th UNDOKAI at Cebu Island1
【Philippines】The 4th UNDOKAI at Cebu Island2
【Philippines】The 4th UNDOKAI at Cebu Island3